
Showing posts from March, 2019

Tarteel of Quran

Tarteel  ( Arabic :  ترتيل ‎) is the Arabic word for  hymnody , the term is commonly translated in reference to the  Qur'an  as "recitation, "in proper order" and "with no haste." This word is used in chapter 73 named  سورة المزمل , verse 4 of the Qur'an: "and recite the Qur'an in slow measured rhythmic tones." The Arabic word translated as "slow, measured rhythmic tones" is  tarteel . It is also the term used to define the rules explaining proper recitation of the Qur'an in the manner that  Gabriel  revealed it to  Muhammad . While reciting one has to keep in mind the  fasl  (division) and  wasl  (joining) of words and sentences. The interpretation of the above mentioned verse according to  Ibn Kathir  is "recite the Quran slowly, making the letters clear, for this is an assistance in understanding and pondering the meaning of the Quran." The fourth  caliph   Ali ibn Abi Talib  said that  tarteel  is deliv
Sayyidina Anas (R.A.) quoted the Messenger of Allah (SAW) as saying: "Shall I not guide you, Abu Zarr, the two qualities that are very light on the back, but very heavy in the scale?" On his replying, "Certainly", he said: "Long silence and a good character. By him in whose hand my soul is, mankind can do nothing to compare with them." (Baihaqi) Learn Quran online Quran Teacher Quran Learning Online 

Importance of tongue

Sayyidina Abi Sa'eed (R.A.) reported that the Prophet (SAW) as saying that when a man gets up in the morning all the limbs humble themselves before the tongue and say, "Fear Allah for our sake, for we are dependant on you; if you are straight, we are straight, but if you are crooked, we are crooked." (Tirmizi) Learn Quran online Quran Teacher Quran Learning Online 

Recital of Quran by Prophet SAW in prayers

Jabir bin Samurah narrated that the Messenger of Allah SAW recited surah Qaaf and other surah like it in the Fajr prayers, and later on, his prayer used to be light. Learn Quran online Quran Teacher Quran Learning Online 

Being polite

It is related by Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (R.A.) that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "A faithful believer neither attacks with his tongue nor utters a curse nor speaks ill of anyone nor calls names." (Tirmizi) Learn Quran online Quran Teacher Quran Learning Online 

To act in a calm and collected manner

It is related by Sahl ibn S'aad Sa'idi that the Prophet (SAW) said: "To act in a calm and collected manner (deliberation) is from the side of Allah, while to act in haste is from the side of the devil." (Tirmizi)  Learn Quran online Quran Teacher Quran Learning Online