
Showing posts from July, 2019

To be respected for good-doing

Narrates Abu Zarr Ghiffari (R.A.) that, once, it was enquired from the Messenger of Allah (SAW) "What is the commmand a man who does a good deed and people speak highly of him because of it?" (In another version of it, it is stated that the questioner had asled: "What is the command about a man who does a good deed and people love him on account of it)?" "It is the ready glad tiding for the faithful bondsman." The Prophet (SAW) replied." (Muslim) Learn Quran online Quran Learning courses

Riyaa is a form of Shirk

Abu Sa'eed ibn Abu Fadalah (R.A.) relates it from the Messenger of Allah (SAW) that he said: "When Allah will gather all men, (both the former and the latter ones), on the Day of Resurrection, which is absolutely certain, a hearld will proclaim: "Whoever assoicated anyone else in a deed he performed for Allah should claim for it from that other, for Allah is more independent of polytheism, i.e., partnership than all the partners. (Musnad Ahmed) Learn Quran online Quran Learning courses Quran Learning Online

Trust in Allah (s.w.t)

Abdullah ibn Abbas (R.A.) related, "One day as I was riding on the same camel with the Messenger of Allah (SAW), sitting at his back, he turned to me and said: "My boy! You take care of ALlah, i.e., observe your duty to Him as one should, and He will take care of you, and protect you from the calamities of this world as well as the nenxt. Remember Allah as he ought to be remembered, and you will find Him right in front of yourself, and if you wish to ask for anything, ask only from Him, and if you need help at any time, ask for help only frlom Him and remember well that if all mankind joins to do good to you with anything, it well be able to do good  only with the thing that has been determined beforehand for you by Allah, and if all mankind joins to do harm to you with anything, it will be able to harm only with the thing that has been determined beforehand for you by Allah, and with no other thing. The pens have been done away with, and the leave have become d