Virtue of making Wudu

It is related by Abu Hurayrah (R.A.) that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "When a Muslim bondsman performs wudu and during it, washes his face and pours water over it, all the sins he has committed with the eyes are removed
from his face (i.e., are washed away) with the water; after it, when he washed his hands, all the sins he has committed with the hands are washed away from them; and, after it, when he washes his feet all the sins he has
committed with the feet (i.e., by using them for that purpose) go out of them till by the time has has finished wudu he comes completely purified from sin." (Muslim)

Thauban (R.A.) related to us that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "Walk upright; remain steadfast on the Straight Path (but this steadfastness being very difficult), you will never be able to have a full control over it.
(You should, therefore, always consider yourself at fault and blameworthy). And know well that the best deed among all your deeds is prayer (hence, pay the greatest attention to it), and only a truthful Believer can take full
care of wudu." (Mutwatta, Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Daarami)

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