Dua after Azan

It is related by Sa'd bin Abu Waqqad (R.A.) that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "Whoever, on hearing the Azan (i.e., when the Azan comes to an and) says:
Ash-hadu al laa ilaaha illAllaah wahdahu laa sharika lahu wa ash-hadu an-na Muhammaadan abduhu wa rasooluhu; raditu bil-laahi rabba wabi Mahammadar rasoola
wa bil-Islam-i-deena. (I affirm that there is no god but Allah, One and Unpartnered, and Muhammad is His slave and Messenger(SAW), and I am pleased with Allah
as lord, and in Muhammad as Messenger, and in Islam as the religion), his sins will be forgiven." (Muslim)


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